We had a hard rain one evening and it blew some transformers causing the power to go out. It has happened before. The city’s (Santiago ) power was still on and lit up the night sky. We have had several families to teach, even some less active members. The Bishop, Obispo Rojas, has gone with us to teach. That has been great.
One p-day, we had an activity and a birthday/going away party for two elders. As always we played soccer and had food—this time prepared by a professional and it was soooooooo good. I was the goalie and am getting better at soccer little by little.
Changes came on the 17th and I am in the same sector, El Salto, but with a new companion, Elder Figueora from Chile . We get along fine and enjoy working hard. We had two baptisms, Millaray Abarca and Jose Marambio. We had a lot of people attend and most were investigators or less active members. It was wonderful. We are walking and talking and teaching as much as we can. I am doing great and grow everyday, the spirit works through me and in me to strengthen my testimony. I’m blessed to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands. I love it here in Chile and honestly don’t want to leave.